Monday, February 8, 2010

A Second Chance

Without warning, someone will experience an unfortunate day prone for disaster. The cause of this misfortune is unknown, but what is believed is that it cannot be controlled. The day must be lived by the individual from dawn to dusk. However, could there be a power exerted to change these circumstances?
It was the start of another ordinary day. The sharp screech of the bell tore through my spaced out state of mind. As I make my way down the congested hallways, traveling at a pace similar to a city highway at rush hour, I begin to hear rising bursts of laughter behind me. In curiosity, I casually turn around and discover that I am the reason for their humour. I flee toward the nearest bathroom. I have brown paint all over my butt! I chronologically reflect through the series of events in my day, ...leave house, arrive at bus stop, sit on bench...Sit on bench! The bench must have recently been painted! Luckily I have a sweater in my locker.
I arrive at chemistry class awkwardly late. The class is preparing for a lab and everyone has selected partners. "The lab must be completed with no more than two per group", my teacher coldly snaps. What is her problem? I tell myself. I observe the activities of the classroom and try to figure out how to begin. After connecting some test tubes and beakers I feel some what confident to start pouring the chemicals. Drip, Drip, Drip. Why is my project turning purple? Ka-boom! Purple, scorching hot liquids explode into my unprepared face! In a state of shock I stumble forward, guided by my teacher. I panic while imagining my face falling off. I don't want to be a deformed circus freak! A heavy downpour of water drenches my entire body. Instantly, my eyes snap open allowing me to see a crowd forming around me. This cannot be happening to me! I want to start over, I NEED to start over! I feel overwhelmed with anger. Just then, an overpowering force drives up through my body, enthralling every square inch of my existence. Below me a morbid black hole with a pulsating transparent surface forms beneath me. The opening begins to grow, duplicating it's speed each second as it devours all matter in front of it. Instantly I'm back in time, at my locker surrounded by the previous normal surroundings of the busy hallway.
From that point on I have grown to realize my power of time transport and greatly appreciate it's rewards. I can now re-live present, past and future events so I can have a second chance to mend my mistakes. I also have the power to travel to the future so I can prepare myself and even humanity from devastating days.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of detail, good job on that. Stay in one tense - you switch from past to present. Missing cliche assignment.
