Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I was out for my morning jog soaking up the sunshine. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the park was as clean as a whistle. I felt just peachy keen running along the path when suddenly, out of the blue, I heard a cry of terror.
"My baby! Someone help me! She's too young to die!"
A pink baby buggy was going faster than a speeding bullet down the hill. It was plain as day, I had to be the one to save this baby. I was in top physical condition and was as strong as a bull, as fit as a fiddle. Just look at those lazy people, strolling along without a care in the world. I was a runner. It was do or die. In a flash, I took of like a shot after the helpless buggy. I was getting closer and closer and my mission felt as easy as pie until I noticed the rocks up ahead. My stomach was in knots and my legs felt as slow as molasses. The clock was ticking, I could almost reach the handle... Boom! The buggy hit the rocks like a brick wall, catapulting the baby into the bright blue sky. It was definitely not a Kodak moment. Time stopped to what felt like eternity. The baby is toast! I will never catch her in a thousand years! I'm as dead as dead can be! I reached my arms out and easy peasy, I caught the baby with a face as cute as a button.

1 comment:

  1. Good job of bad writing - if you know what I mean. Mark has been adjusted.
